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WAN-IFRA announces major partnership with Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

WAN-IFRA will expand its media freedom activities in 7 countries throughout East Central Africa and Southeast Asia, thanks to a 2-year renewed partnership of NOK10,000,000 (€1,000,000) with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

WAN-IFRA announces major partnership with Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Randi ØGrey: “This new agreement marks nearly a decade of cooperation between the Foreign Ministry and WAN-IFRA.”

The programme, titled ‘Strengthening Independent Media’, will focus on the three core themes of gender equality, safety, and stability.

“Now more than ever, citizens need access to trusted news sources. This programme will support the important work being undertaken by media throughout East Central Africa and Southeast Asia”, said Vincent Peyrègne, WAN-IFRA CEO. “Our Norwegian members have consistently championed WAN-IFRA’s work to promote media freedom globally, and we are gratified that we may continue to amplify this work through the support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

The Strengthening Independent Media programme will allow for an expansion of the sector-leading Women in News (WIN) programme into the new markets of The Philippines and Indonesia, while building on existing programme activities to increase women’s voices and leadership in the news in Myanmar, Vietnam, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

As with all WAN-IFRA media freedom programmes, a robust capacity building framework that aims to help media partners build toward stability, including navigating the transition to digital, right sizing the business, and identifying ways to monetize digital content, will be offered to programme partners in each target country, says WAN-IFRA.

Safety trainings will take on the form of practical training and direct assistance to strengthen journalists’ knowledge and preparedness as well as organisational responses to threats.

“This new agreement marks nearly a decade of cooperation between the Foreign Ministry and WAN-IFRA, with MBL playing an active role in supporting this relationship in addition to project activities on the ground,” said Mediebedriftenes Landsforening (MBL) CEO Randi ØGrey. “WAN-IFRA’s ability to draw upon knowledge and expertise directly from the industry to support media in transitional and fragile states sets a standard that works and really makes a difference.”

Programme activities will complement existing media freedom initiatives supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

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