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WAN-IFRA calls on Philippines to act

WAN-IFRA has condemned the massacre of more than 30 journalists and their staff in the Philippines and called on the government to act decisively to bring the perpetrators to justice.

"WAN-IFRA condemns vehemently this unique and terrible mass crime, most probably the deadliest ever single slaughter of journalists," said a resolution from the Board of WAN-IFRA, meeting in Hyderabad, India, on the eve of the World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum, the global summit meetings of the world's press.

"At the same time, WAN-IFRA is appalled that 100 reporters have previously been murdered in the Philippines since 1986 and that 24 murder cases remain unresolved," the resolution said.

WAN-IFRA issued six other resolutions to:

* Condemn the jailing of journalists and the lack of press freedom in China, and to call on Chinese authorities to release imprisoned journalists, writers and human rights activists (read the full resolution at );

* Urge Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to act decisively to resolve crimes committed against journalists in Russia, where five journalists have been killed since the beginning of the year (read the full resolution at );

* Condemn the continued imprisonment of 27 journalists in Cuba and the mounting criminalisation of free speech under President Raúl Castro's government (read the full resolution at );

* Express its grave concern at the mounting judicial actions and intimidations facing journalists and independent media in Turkey (read the full resolution at );

* Call on Pakistani authorities to act decisively to resolve crimes committed against journalists in the country, where eight have been killed since the beginning of the year, and to do everything possible to bring those responsible for their murder to justice (read the full resolution at );

* Condemn the imprisonment of journalists in Yemen as part of a government campaign to intimidate and silence the independent press (read the full resolution at ).

In the Philippines massacre, the murdered journalists were travelling with a group of politicians and political supporters who were planning to file candidacy papers for Esmael Mangudadatu, an opposition gubernatorial candidate in Maguindanao province. They were along at least 57 people killed in the attack, which occurred on 23 November. According to local reports, around 100 armed men, allegedly supporters of the current governor, ambushed the group and took the victims to a remote location, where they were killed and buried in a mass grave. There is evidence that the journalists were specifically selected for murder.

The resolution from WAN-IFRA urges the Philippine government to act with decisiveness, bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice, and end the climate of impunity in which this massacre is rooted. It also calls on the Philippine government to guarantee independent media access to Maguindanao province, as accurate, independent and timely reporting in this region is more critical than ever, and to take full responsibility for the security and safety of journalists. The full resolution can be read at


WAN-IFRA says: “WAN-IFRA, based in Paris, France, and Darmstadt, Germany, with subsidiaries in Singapore, India, Spain, France and Sweden, is the global organisation of the world's newspapers and news publishers. It represents more than 18,000 publications, 15,000 online sites and over 3,000 companies in more than 120 countries.  The organisation was created by the merger of the World Association of Newspapers and IFRA, the research and service organisation for the news publishing industry.”