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WAN-IFRA to help boost mobile platforms in Africa

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has launched its Mobile News Grants and Training Scheme, which aims to help start and expand mobile news platforms across Sub-Saharan Africa.

The project will provide funding, consultations and training to newspaper companies in Sub-Saharan Africa that are looking to move into mobile or expand their existing mobile news services.

The grant and training scheme follows a successful pilot project at the Observer newspaper in Uganda and the soon-to-be published handbook, "Mobile Media Services At Sub-Saharan African Newspapers: A Guide To Implementing Mobile News And Mobile Business", co-published by WAN-IFRA and the African Media Initiative.

The Mobile News Grants and Training Scheme is part of WAN-IFRA's larger Mobile News for Africa project, which aims to test and implement innovative content production and delivery models through new technologies, accompanied with new business models for newspapers in emerging markets and developing democracies.  Mobile News for Africa is part of a strategic partnership between WAN-IFRA and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency to advance media development and press freedom worldwide.  

More on WAN-IFRA media development projects can be found here.

About the Mobile News Grants and Training Scheme

WAN-IFRA invites newspapers that are launching or expanding their mobile services to apply for small-scale technical assistance grants of up to 5000 Euros, as well as training and consultancy from African and international experts on mobile web, mobile advertising, mobile election monitoring and many other topics. Among the key criteria for proposed projects is the potential for economic sustainability.

Who can apply?

Applications will only be accepted from newspapers; applicants may work in partnership with other media outlets or NGOs, but projects must be led by the newspaper.

How to apply

Interested applicants should submit a completed application form, which can be downloaded (bottom of the page), and return it by 5 September to Louise Hallman, Mobile News for Africa project manager, at

The applications will be considered over the summer, with the funding and training to be delivered in the autumn of 2011 and spring 2012.

Up to three successful applicants will be given the opportunity to attend the WAN-IFRA World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum  in Vienna in October. Registration fees, travel and accommodation costs will be met by the Mobile News for Africa project.  Applicants should indicate their availability on the application form.