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What sort of future for specialist media?

The Specialist Media Show and Fusion Communications have launched a research initiative aiming to discover what specialist media experts think the future holds for the sector.

The results will be unveiled at the show on 25 May.

Are the people who will shape strategies over the next decade for print, events and digital media upbeat or rather less confident?

Certainly the new CEO at the PPA, Barry McIlheney (pictured), is positive. His message to agencies and advertisers in a Media PM interview, posted on Media PM site1, was: "I will tell agencies and advertisers how bloody brilliant magazines are - dismiss magazines at your peril."

What are the real challenges and opportunities facing specialist consumer and B2B brands and how are people dealing with these?

Well, there are already winners.  Time Out, the Spectator, MyHobbystore and Rock Sound are amongst the winners of Specialist Media Pioneer Awards, which recognise innovation and entrepreneurial thinking by media owners2. These businesses are taking the lead but are others as dynamic?

Everyone working in specialist media is invited to take part in the survey.

The full results will be presented at The Specialist Media Show on 25 May and everyone who takes part in the research will receive a summary of the results and be entered into the prize draw for 1 of 3 Fortnum and Mason hampers (worth £100 each).