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WikiLeaks Roundtable at Stationers’ Hall

On Monday, 11 July 2011 from 6.30pm-9.30pm the Digital Media Group of the Stationers’ Company is holding a really special roundtable all about WikiLeaks.

The venue will be Stationers’ Hall, Ave Maria Lane, London EC4M 7DD.

On the panel will be Mark Stephens, Stephen Collins (Media Lawyer at Channel 4), and Christopher Hope from the Telegraph (one of the editorial team involved in the MP expenses story). Mark is Julian Assange’s lawyer.

Objective of the evening is to discuss some of the key topics around WikiLeaks including:  

• What is WikiLeaks? What is it not?

• The background to WikiLeaks. 

• Network theory

• Impact on media/data journalism

• The future of Wikileaks and similar services

If you would like to attend please book in advance online via and pay your £15 for the drinks and refreshments. 

For more information, contact Giles Fagan.