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Will Lewis to speak at Vienna conference

William Lewis, a leader of News Corporation's efforts to deal with the News of the World phone hacking scandal, has joined the programme of the upcoming World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum, to be held in Vienna, Austria from 12 to 15 October.

Will Lewis (pictured), an Executive Member of the newly created Management and Standards Committee at Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, will headline a joint Congress and Editors Forum session on "Profit, public interest, ethics – where to draw the line?", which will examine how editors and publishers can ensure that news organisations continue to live up to the high ethical standards that are a cornerstone of their societal role.

The session will be moderated by Roy Greenslade, Professor of Journalism at London’s City University and a media commentator for The Guardian and the London Evening Standard, and will include Shoma Chaudhury, Managing Editor of Telhelka, the national Indian weekly known for its undercover investigative journalism, Jacob Mollerup, President of the Organisation of News Ombudsmen and Listeners Editor at Danmarks Radio in Denmark, and other speakers to be announced in coming days.

The Congress, Forum and Info Services Expo 2011, the global annual meetings of the world's press, are expected to draw 1,200 publishers, chief editors, managing directors and other senior newspaper executives to Vienna. Click here for full details of the conferences, which this year will be held in conjunction with the world's largest trade exhibition of the news publishing industry, the IFRA Expo.

Other speakers who have recently joined the programmes for the Congress and Editors Forum include:

Stéphanie Jolivot, Publisher of Madame Figaro, a weekly magazine of France's Le Figaro, who will talk about i-mad, the magazine's iPad app, in an Editors Forum session on "steps toward a successful tablet application."

Juan Luis Cebrián, CEO of PRISA group in Spain, the publisher of El País, who will speak in a Congress session on how newspaper companies can make their businesses more attractive to investors.

Hanzade Dogan Boyner, Chairwoman of the Board of Dogan Media, Turkey's largest media company, who will participate in a Congress session on repositioning newspaper companies in a digital world.

David Roman, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for the personal computer maker Lenovo, and Dietmar Otti, Managing Director for Marketing at Axel Springer in Germany, who will be speak in a Congress session dedicated to how newspaper companies can increase the value of their brands.

Chris Roper, Head of Online at the Mail & Guardian in South Africa, who will speak about social media in a WEF session on "How to build a community".

Han Fook Kwang, Editor of the Singapore Straits Times, who will examine the evolution of print content in an Editors Forum session dedicated to improving newspapers in print.

Roberto Pombo, Editor-in-Chief of El Tiempo in Colombia, which is leading one of the most ambitious muiltimedia convergence projects in Latin America.

Eric Newton, Senior Adviser to the President of the Knight Foundation, which is renowned for its role in media innovation worldwide. He will be talking about digital and print synergies.

Douglas J. Edwards, Vice President of the Eastman Kodak Company and Adam Bird, a Director of McKinsey & Company, who have joined the Congress session dedicated to how newspaper companies can better exploit technology.