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Wonderly wins Kew Gardens Pitch

Following a competitive tender, Wonderly has announced that Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has joined their list of clients, that includes VWG, The FA, The British Army and CIPD.

Wonderly wins Kew Gardens Pitch
Kate Scally: “Wonderly demonstrated their understanding of Kew’s membership audience, which is why they were the clear front-runners in the pitch.”

Wonderly says it is looking forward to working with the Kew team, in creating an inspirational and engaging magazine for Kew’s 112,000 members - bringing to life the extraordinary gardens at Kew and Wakehurst and its world-leading science and conservation work.

Wonderly’s pitch research found Kew’s members hold the gardens close to their hearts and are proud to support its world-renowned horticulturists. Their vital science and conservation work uses unparalleled expertise, collections and partnerships to tackle urgent global challenges: from climate change to loss of biodiversity and food security.

From Spring 2020, the magazine objectives will be to appeal to the broad interests of the membership base, as part of a change in the membership content strategy. Their aim is to increase engagement of members so that they become advocates of the organisation, its purpose and the impact of its science, globally.

Issie Peate, Wonderly’s Managing Director, said: “We are really excited to be working with Kew, whose amazing heritage and cutting-edge global science make it a truly unique organisation, both to the wider public and the members at its heart. This partnership deepens our expertise in the membership sector as well as playing to the strengths of Wonderly’s new approach: empowering organisations with owned media.

“We’re also proud to share similar values within Wonderly and our wider parent company, Haymarket Media Group, where we’re internationally recognised for our environmental commitment.”

Kate Scally, Director of Engagement, Foundation, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew said: “Wonderly demonstrated their understanding of Kew’s membership audience, which is why they were the clear front-runners in the pitch. Together with Kew’s in house Editor, Christina Harrison, Wonderly will create a magazine that will bring the Kew brand and personality to life, improving the membership experience and enjoyment of the gardens as well as driving engagement with Kew science and conservation.”

The fresh new format will also be the magazine’s 100th issue, which will be sent to Kew’s members from February 2020.