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WoodWing’s Aurora: Closing the gap between digital and print

WoodWing Software, specialists in content creation, introduces Aurora, the latest update to Enterprise, its multichannel publishing solution.

WoodWing’s Aurora: Closing the gap between digital and print

Aurora allows media companies and publishers to adopt a channel-neutral content creation workflow, resulting in smart and efficient publishing on all channels. It also ensures fast and easy reuse of content across publications and brands, for the most efficient content distribution yet, says WoodWing.

Due to the media industry shifting from producing newspapers and magazines to producing content pieces, workflows and processes have changed for media companies. The tools they use, therefore, have to evolve as content is mainly required to arrive on digital channels first, but needs to be easily published to print too. Aurora closes the gap between digital and print, which is why, continues WoodWing, some of the largest global media companies have started to implement Aurora.

“With a fast-moving digital environment and increased competition for media companies, time cannot afford to be wasted on manual tasks. Media companies need agile, flexible, problem-solving solutions for their organizations,” says Jan de Roos, CEO of WoodWing. “Currently, it is very difficult to reuse print content on digital channels and amongst teams, brands and publications. Aurora solves this problem that many media companies have, creating content for both print and digital channels. By using a channel-neutral workflow with automation, the publishing process is sped up. For organizations that have a critical time to market, this really does provide them with a competitive edge.”

According to WoodWing, Aurora supports a new way of working with channel-neutral content creation, breaking down the silos between print and digital. A channel-neutral story is created in the Content Station Editor, with document structure automatically applied. This allows for publishing on digital channels such as Facebook Instant Articles, Apple News, your mobile app or website. Variants of the story can be created, adapted and placed automatically onto a print layout, or published on other digital channels with one click of the button.

With smart workflow features, automation and team collaboration, WoodWing says that Aurora is the future of content creation.

Links / further reading: Aurora