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Words of wisdom from the PPG

The Publishing Partners Guide 2021 was distributed with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine. Here are some takeaways from the guide’s articles…

By James Evelegh

Words of wisdom from the PPG

Did you receive your copy of the 2021 Publishing Partners Guide? First and foremost a directory with in-depth profiles of sixty suppliers, the PPG also contains eleven articles. Below are some of the best bits from those articles, with links to the digital edition.

  1. “Young people have even found they did indeed need the news after all.” (Ray Snoddy on the outlook for national news media.)
  2. “Readers want, maybe even crave, the curated, packaged, and delivered content experience.” (BlueToad’s Paul DeHart on pivoting to digital – advertorial.)
  3. “For more than a decade, we have seen the orderly, sometimes disorderly, management of decline. Now radical change is urgently needed – with a huge emphasis on digital.” (Peter Sands on the outlook for regional news media.)
  4. “You don’t need to boil the ocean to make progress. Practice iterative improvement without huge budgets to deliver it.” (Simplifying digital transformation; advertorial by Full Fat Things’ Stewart Robinson.)
  5. “Covid-19 delivered the proof that threats and opportunities can be two sides of the one coin.” (Sally Hampton on the outlook for consumer media.)
  6. “Shouldn’t we be as reliant on data for making decisions as insurance companies are?” (AdvantageCS’s Dan Heffernan on why publishers should stop relying on gut feel – advertorial.)
  7. “B2B media companies must understand exactly how expectations and attitudes have been permanently changed by the pandemic.” (Colin Morrison on the outlook for B2B media.)
  8. “Companies have the opportunity to rethink the employee experience.” (JCA’s Brin Bucknor on where media owners should be focusing their resources in 2021 – advertorial.)
  9. “Seamless interactivity is now the norm, and the industry is shifting from content production, to content as an experience.” (Clare Broadbent on the outlook for customer media.)
  10. “Carbon offsetting is beginning to gain more traction as an additional step towards reducing environmental footprints.” (Denmaur’s Danny Doogan on creating a sustainable future for paper and print – advertorial.)
  11. “The availability of so much information has made it possible for companies to make significantly sharper decisions.” (Readly’s Chris Couchman on the importance of data – advertorial.)

Do also check out the partner profiles. A good place to start your search for a new supplier is the ‘partner category’ pages.

(And finally, did you catch this week’s excellent podcast with Women’s Running editor Esther Newman? It’s well worth a listen. It’s also Ciar Byrne’s last episode as presenter before moving onto pastures new. Many thanks to her for everything.)