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World Young Reader Prizes Opens For Entries

Newspapers have until 30 June to submit an entry to the World Young Reader Prizes, the annual awards from the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) that recognize success in engaging the young.

The awards in five categories - Editorial, Making the News, Newspapers in Education (NIE), Public Service and Brand - will honour newspaper companies that have devised the best projects and activities during the past two years to promote newspaper reading and usage, on all platforms, among those under 25.

Three special categories for 2011 are: “Connecting with Mobile,” for a newspaper that has success in engaging the young via mobile telephone delivery; “The Natasa Prize for Printing Plants” for a newspaper printing plant action that teaches the young about journalism; and “Enduring Excellence,” to honour young reader programmes that have continued delivering benefits for both the newspaper and the young for at least five years.

In addition, a new “Digital NIE Teacher” award will honour the educator who has created the best set of lesson plans that use the electronic version of the newspaper in class, and with the best result for all parties involved.

“The increasing pervasiveness of interactive white boards and other classroom technologies has allowed more widespread study of the electronic versions of newspapers, especially when not all students have computers in class,” said Aralynn McMane, WAN-IFRA executive director of young readership development.  

Entries for all categories require creating a PowerPoint presentation following prize guidelines. Full details can be found at

The top prize in each category is 1000 Euros and free registration to WAN-IFRA’s 63rd World Newspaper Congress in Vienna, Austria, from 12 to 15 October 2011, where the awards will be presented. Judges will also choose a “Newspaper of the Year” as well as the winner of the Digital NIE Teacher award to receive a free registration along with hotel and travel costs for the conference.

The World Young Reader Prizes are supported by Norske Skog, the Norway-based global paper producer, as part of its partnership in WAN-IFRA's Newspapers in Education Development Project.