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WSJ Europe unveils changes today

The Wall Street Journal Europe today introduced a significantly enhanced and improved newspaper, along with associated new online offerings, providing readers and advertisers with more relevant, contemporary and lively editorial products in Europe.

“We’re giving our readers a more simplified structure to help them navigate the paper more effectively and efficiently, and to add value to the news and information they’re already receiving in a plethora of different ways each day”, said Patience Wheatcroft (pictured), editor-in-chief for The Wall Street Journal in Europe. “We’re introducing more analysis and comment; new columns offering unique insights and new features acknowledging that Journal readers have a life outside the office.”

“While the appearance and names of some of our sections have changed, the elements that define the Journal’s unique reputation as the global authority for news and comment have not. We will still offer the same trusted, insightful and authoritative coverage that readers rely on us to deliver in a timely way,” Ms Wheatcroft added.

New features in the print edition include:

* A newly-designed and more simplified front page layout, including a bolder masthead, featuring one or two front page stories showcasing the Wall Street Journal’s balanced, insightful reporting. Sky boxes and navigation bars have been added to entice and direct readers.

* Regular columnists, including ‘Agenda’ on page two with views and analysis from editor-in-chief Patience Wheatcroft, deputy editor Iain Martin and well-known economist Irwin Stelzer. Other new columns to run throughout the week include ‘Commentariat’ (what the bloggers are saying); ‘Letter From’ (international correspondents offering their unique on-the-ground insights); and ‘Think Again’ (a regular Monday column offering a second opinion on current thinking on companies and sectors)

* The Journal Interview: profile pieces with key figures in business, finance and politics. A feature every Monday, but other days of the week too.

* ‘The Big Read’: more of what Journal readers expect and respect: a daily in-depth, investigative or wide-ranging piece designed to give the reader the full story behind the news

* Business & Finance: the renamed Money & Investing section, ‘Business & Finance’ will continue to run analysis and statistics, with an additional explanation of the factors that are causing market movement through the introduction of regular columns

* Regionally themed pages, including Europe, U.S. and World News providing a digest of news produced by Dow Jones’ unrivalled resources around the world

* ‘C-Suite’: a new section focusing on a different aspect of life beyond the boardroom each week. Topics include Management, Health, Work and Home, Technology and Travel

* Sport: a daily sports page edited by newly-appointed European sports editor Jonathan Clegg which reports on the business of sport and also includes a daily dose of sporting trivia and a sporting bet of the day

* The Quirk: known to US readers as the ‘A-head’, ‘The Quirk’ feature offers a witty take on life and is designed to entertain and amuse

* World Watch, Business Watch: a new, double-page spread designed to give readers a brief summary of what happened in the world yesterday. ‘World Watch’ gives political and economic developments, listed by country while ‘Business Watch’ gives corporate and financial developments by sector

* Heard on the Street: essential reading for financial professionals, corporate decision-makers and retail investors, the venerable Heard column will be adding ‘Overheard’ to its daily columns to offer an insider’s take on what’s moving the markets

* Weekend Journal: the weekly leisure and lifestyle supplement continues on a Friday, but will feature stories on art, movies, music, travel, food and wine fine-tuned for a European audience

* Journal Reports: a series of eight-page special reports providing readers with detailed information and insight on topics and themes of European concern. ‘Wealth Journal’, a quarterly supplement on private wealth, debuted last week. will further extend its offering, highlighting the Journal Europe’s new columnists, interviews and analysis features, and introducing a new daily ‘World At A Glance’ email offering time-pressed executives a late-afternoon briefing on world and business news. These additions follow on from other recent enhancements, including the launch of blogs including New Europe ( covering Eastern and Central Europe; Iain Martin's blog on U.K. Politics (; and The Source, which offers rapid-fire analysis on key events throughout the European business day.

Advertisers will also benefit from the availability of increased advertising adjacencies in the redesigned print and online sections, as well as new positions and formats, and an increased use of colour.

“The editorial changes introduced today reaffirm our commitment to serving our readers and advertisers in Europe”, said Andrew Langhoff, publisher of The Wall Street Journal Europe and managing director, Dow Jones Consumer Media Group Europe. "Our new offerings are more relevant and more ambitious, and maximize the strength of our unrivalled global news resource of more than 1,900 editors and reporters worldwide, including more than 400 in Europe."

"We look forward to increased readership amongst our target audience of European executives active in international business. It's this audience – those who are recreating the worlds of business and finance - at whom our new product is directed”, Mr Langhoff added.

The editorial enhancements are supported by a multimedia advertising and marketing campaign using the strap line “News for News Makers” which launches today. The campaign features pan-regional print, broadcast, online, outdoor and retail marketing activities aimed at C-suite executives and business travelers in key European cities.

About The Wall Street Journal Europe

The WSJ says: “Founded in 1983, The Wall Street Journal Europe forms part of the world’s leading business publication franchise, which includes The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal Asia and The Wall Street Journal Online at, the leading provider of business and financial news and analysis on the web with more than one million subscribers and 23 million visitors per month. Together, these publications have a total circulation of nearly 2.9 million, reaching the world’s top business and political leaders.

The Wall Street Journal Europe draws on the Dow Jones network of nearly 1,900 business and financial news staff, the largest network in the world, including more than 400 in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Its website,, offers relevant, reliable breaking news and analysis, opinion, market data and multimedia features tailored for a European audience by a London-based editorial team. The Mobile Reader for Europe also delivers content to BlackBerry smartphones as well as iPhone and iPod touch devices.

The Wall Street Journal Europe has won many awards for excellence in journalism, including the Peter R. Weitz Prize for excellence and originality in reporting on European affairs every year since 2003 and Business Journalist of the Year Awards every year since 1999.”