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xoJane launches UK edition

Popular US women’s site xoJane launches UK edition.

According to SAY Media: Since its launch in May 2011, has quickly become one of the most engaging sites online. With almost 800,000 unique monthly visitors and 4.5 million monthly page views, xoJane is one of the fastest growing lifestyle sites in the US. Ribena, the quintessential British beverage, is the launch partner of

Written by a dedicated team led by former editor Rebecca Holman, uses the same successful formula of wise and witty editorial that proved so popular in the US. Holman said, “We want to open an ultra-personal dialogue with British women by presenting a level of intimacy and honesty never seen before in UK media. We have created a place where women can really be themselves and celebrate the contrasting emotions we all share. It’s fine to be upfront, yet vulnerable and caring, while making room for plenty of ‘me’ time.”

Jane Pratt, US editor and founder of xoJane, added, “We’re really excited to be launching in the UK. xoJane has always been about trying to reach women in the most intimate way possible.  The new localised site with Rebecca at the helm will allow us to better connect with our British community.”

Ribena will take advantage of the prime branding opportunities on the site to promote its range of flavours and on-pack promotion: “We were delighted that SAY Media and xoJane asked us to partner for the launch of,” said Sara Hasan, Brand Manager, Ribena. “The summer campaign from Ribena featuring the chance to win designer wellies is the perfect fit for the’s fashion-savvy audience and we are pleased that we'll be able to engage with xoJane's new family of British readers.”

Giles Ivey, SAY Media’s managing director, UK, said, “Through its collection of honest and authentic voices, xoJane inspires readers to interact with peers and editors alike, creating a unique community based on trust and impassioned conversation. It is this kind of vibrant, engaged community that has always been important to brand advertisers. We will continue to connect brands to our properties in ways that not only deliver value to our clients, but also enhance the reader experience."

Fashion, beauty, love, sex and celebrity are key themes in the provocative content written by xoJane editors with personality and point of view. The site’s format enables xoJane’s writers to build deep and meaningful relationships with readers, presenting interesting opportunities for advertisers.’s unique brand integration programmes range from 100 per cent share of voice to custom content programmes.