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Yorkshire Post cuts terms for newsagents

The Yorkshire Post has become the latest newspaper to anger independent newsagents, says the NFRN, by jumping on the terms cutting bandwagon after raising the cover price of its Saturday edition.

The NFRN says: To the horror of newsagents who have actively sold the title, the 10p price rise to £1.10 has been accompanied with a 1 per cent cut in the margin that they receive. Instead of earning 24p from a £1 cover price (24 per cent), newsagents will now receive 25.3p from £1.10p (23 per cent).

Yorkshire District President James Wilkinson said: “By making this move the Saturday Yorkshire Post will cost me £145 a year in lost revenue. We have supported the Yorkshire Post in promotions, sales and subscriptions yet once again have been kicked in the teeth.”

NFRN Trading Director Russ Simper urged the newspaper publisher to think again. “This is a backward step from an old and backward publisher who just doesn’t want to interact with independent retailers.  I would strongly urge parent company Johnston Press to get the Yorkshire Post to think again.”