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Zoo in 3D

This week's issue of Bauer Media's lads' mag Zoo will appear in 3D to readers - as well as its website and mobile users – in what Bauer claims is a cross-platform first for this market.

The Zoo team, says Bauer, has been working closely with advertisers who have produced a wide range of unique 3D creative to showcase their brands.

With 21 pages of 3D editorial and 13 pages of 3D advertising, Zoo fans will enjoy an enhanced version of their favourite content in print, online and on handsets, by using a covermounted pair of 3D glasses.

Geoff Campbell, MD of Zoo, commented: "There's a huge amount of interest in 3D at the moment and while other magazines may have produced 3D editorial before, we wanted to bring something really exceptional and innovative to this market. We've delivered a complete 3D experience for the brand across all its platforms, and we have done this - as no other magazine before - with the support of advertisers who were, like us, keen to create something really different in such a hotly contested market."