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25 market-tested copy tricks to tune up your landing page and get it selling

25 market-tested copy tricks to tune up your landing page and get it selling

Web visitors are like horses, says copywriter Andy Maslen. You can lead them to water but you can’t (always) get them to drink. Here are his 25 top tips to convert visitors into customers.

By Andy Maslen  |  18/03/2013

July-Dec 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

July-Dec 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

In general, the circulation of printed magazines is down. But the point is, says Jamie Higginson, it really doesn’t matter. Publishers shouldn’t be stressing particularly over the performance of one of their platforms, but should see it all as part o

By Jamie Higginson  |  18/03/2013

Social Media Strategies for Publishers

Social Media Strategies for Publishers

Publishing has always been associated with thought-provoking sentences, attention-grabbing headlines and heart-tugging photographs. Social media should have been a natural transition for marketers in the publishing industry, but, writes Amanda MacArt

By Amanda MacArthur  |  16/01/2013

Marketing Automation: The marketer’s silver bullet or an expensive toy?

Marketing Automation: The marketer’s silver bullet or an expensive toy?

Have you heard of marketing automation software? If not, you soon will. It’s possibly the answer to the challenges facing marketers who are trying to carry out multi-channel marketing in a complex data environment and business is booming for these ve

By Kate Mayfield  |  16/01/2013

Multi-packing – a media buyer’s view

Multi-packing – a media buyer’s view

It might not come as much of a surprise, but media buyers have a pretty dim view of multi-packing. MediaCom’s Charlotte Goddard explains why bundling two or three titles together at retail is bad for media buyers, advertisers, and also, ultimately, f

By Charlotte Goddard  |  16/01/2013

Mythology versus reality of UK digital Broadsheet pricing

Mythology versus reality of UK digital Broadsheet pricing

In 2010, the Times caused shock waves around the industry when it started charging readers for digital content. Three years on, other newspapers are beginning to wonder if charging might indeed be the way forward. Mark Billige looks at some of the my

By Mark Billige  |  04/01/2013

Customer Direct 2012

Customer Direct 2012

The PPA held its annual Customer Direct conference and awards at The Brewery on Wednesday. Martin Maynard was there, taking notes.

By Martin Maynard  |  23/11/2012

Round Table: How subs teams are adapting to the digital world

Round Table: How subs teams are adapting to the digital world

On 11 October, iSUBSCRiBE invited some of the UK’s leading subscriptions marketers to a round table event looking at how subscriptions departments were coping with the transition to digital. James Evelegh took notes…

By James Evelegh  |  12/11/2012

Big Data presents new challenges for online publishers

Big Data presents new challenges for online publishers

As publishers, we either sit on, or have access to, vast data sets, which, if manipulated efficiently and imaginatively, present considerable commercial opportunity. Yet, the size and complexity of the data pool and the shortcomings of existing platf

By John Baker  |  12/11/2012

Distripress Glasgow – Forum Day

Distripress Glasgow – Forum Day

The 57th Distripress Congress, which took place in Glasgow at the beginning of October, kicked off with the Forum Day. Distripress managing director David Owen summarises the main talking points from the various sessions.

By David Owen  |  12/11/2012

What’s the hype with Hybrid Mail?

What’s the hype with Hybrid Mail?

If ALL your correspondence is electronic, then this article is not for you. But if, like many publishers, you still print and mail a proportion of your correspondence direct from the office, then read this very carefully – considerable savings could

By Ian Phillips  |  12/11/2012

21 hot tricks for Direct Marketing copy

21 hot tricks for Direct Marketing copy

What are the best DM copywriting techniques, and how do they translate to the digital domain? asks copywriter, Andy Maslen. The answers may surprise you.

By Andy Maslen  |  18/09/2012

Jan-June 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

Jan-June 2012 ABCs: a media buyer’s view

With a few notable exceptions, the recent ABC results made pretty gloomy reading. Yet, writes Jamie Higginson, there are reasons to be cheerful.

By Jamie Higginson  |  18/09/2012

Why it's cool to be a data geek

Why it's cool to be a data geek

Digital media, cloud crunching, analytics and the ability to marry up different data sources are revolutionising how media owners can measure who is reading what content, when, where and how often. Carolyn Morgan looks at the growing importance of da

By Carolyn Morgan  |  18/09/2012

Welcome to NRS PADD

Welcome to NRS PADD

Rufus Olins, CEO of Newsworks, warmly welcomes next week’s launch of NRS PADD, which he describes as a giant leap for newsbrands. Combined readership figures have landed.

By Rufus Olins  |  07/09/2012

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