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Publishing Services Directory

Software - Advertising Management

13 suppliers in this category.

Adept Data Services

We are a specialist data bureau and software provider for publishing and events companies offering bespoke packages to suit all needs.

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We provide a fully comprehensive business platform for media, publishing, events, membership and professional services organisations.

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alfa Media Partner

We provide software solutions for media organisations from front end news gathering, content management, multi-media advertising booking systems, advert production workflow and pre-press workflow.

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Atex, headquartered in Sweden with offices worldwide, is a leading software company selling solutions for the media industry.

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Gordon & Gotch Publishing

For over thirty years, we’ve been developing and designing innovative software solutions for the publishing and events industries.

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knk Software UK

Established for over 30 years, we are an international publishing and media solutions provider serving over 450 customers across Europe, North America, and Asia.

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Media Systems

All businesses, be they publishers, corporates, agencies or brands, have to deal with content in one form or another and our solutions are there to help ensure that the processes involved are as efficient as possible.

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Our publishing platform is flexible and powerful enough for media companies of any kind to create, enhance, distribute, and monetise their content with ease.

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We specialise in workflow, automation and efficiency savings for the creation and management of media products driven by our extensive digital asset management platform.

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PCS Publishing

For over 50 years, we have been a reliable publishing partner, enabling publishers to improve editorial, ad-sales, and circulation workflows using our innovative software, nurturing deeper connections with audiences and advertising partners.

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Publishing Software Company

We help you sell and manage advertising, subscriptions, exhibitions and event space. Whatever your space, let us help you maximise it.

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The Engine Shed

Our software helps you manage your advertising sales, subscriptions and e-commerce. View all your revenue and associated workflow in one place.

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Our customisable CRM SaaS platform provides publishing leaders with a 360-degree view of their advertisers and subscribers, while also handling content production schedules and event management all in one place.

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