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7 top tips to increase your reach on TikTok


According to Ofcom research, TikTok is the single most used source of news for teenagers in the UK and Hootsuite findings at the start of this year revealed 40% of Americans use the social video platform as a search engine, with recipes and DIY content popular searches.

With those powerful statistics, you need to recognise if you haven’t already, that it’s crucial for your platform to jump on this growing social platform. Start creating content to ensure your brand is engaging with audiences at all touch points and connecting with new and previously untapped communities. This is essential to help you grow as a content provider.

So how do you find success on TikTok, get eyeballs on your content, and increase your reach? Join PA Media’s Social Media Editor Edd Dracott as he shares 7 top tips that can help you increase your reach on TikTok and maximise engagement at every touch point.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Handy tips that can help your content engage more with a wider audience on TikTok
  • How to spot trends and the best way to leverage these
  • What audiences are looking for when navigating TikTok
  • Content formats that have proven popular for TikTok creators

Who should attend: Editor / Reporter / Video Professional / Publisher / Head of Publishing / Publishing Director / Content Professional / Head of Content / Head of Digital / Head of Social Media / Social Media Editor / Digital Strategist / Content Strategist – and anyone with an interest in video content, digital or social media content.

This webinar was broadcast on 2.30-3pm (GMT), Tuesday 18 June 2024

Presenter: Edd Dracott

Edd Dracott is the Social Media and Real Life editor at PA Media, leading a team that combines modern online searching techniques with traditional journalism to find and produce stories for the PA wire on topics from breaking news to lighter content, such as uplifting and inspiring human interest exclusives. In this role, Edd has covered the war in Ukraine and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, interviewing people on the ground and verifying information.

Edd is particularly interested in finding human stories from major news headlines and unique exclusives about remarkable people - on topics including crime, health, money saving and quirkiness.

His career began with PA Training and the South London Press in 2016, before he worked on the Snap.PA and Viral desks at PA covering topics for a younger audience. He then joined the Social Media team before becoming the editor on that desk in 2021, then also became the editor for Real Life in 2022.

In 2023, Edd helped PA launch its TikTok channel as another platform the news agency delivers its content through.

Moderator: James Evelegh

James Evelegh has worked in magazine publishing since 1989, and has been the editor and publisher of InPublishing since it launched in 2003. He began his career with Trinity Publishing (now DMG) and was then group circulation manager at Centaur Communications from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 2003, he worked as a circulation consultant to a wide range of companies including Guardian Media Group, FT Business, Euromoney, WH Smith News and Wilmington.

Watch "7 top tips to increase your reach on TikTok"