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Archant announces resignation of Miller Hogg

Archant has announced the resignation of Archant East MD, Miller Hogg, to ‘pursue his dream to do something new outside of the company’.

Making the announcement, Archant Chief Executive, Jeff Henry, said: “Miller has had aspirations to work alongside his wife Carole in their own venture for some time. He recently approached me about his future indicating he felt the time was right to pursue his dream to do something new outside the company.”

Miller will leave the company on November 30. Archant main board director Johnny Hustler, who is a former MD of Archant Anglia, Archant Lifestyle and Archant Life has agreed to return full-time and to take on the mantle of running Archant East effective from December 1 on an interim basis as a full-time replacement is sought.

“Miller has made a huge contribution to Archant over the last eight years both in our Lifestyle business and over the last 12 months running Archant East,” said Mr Henry.