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BMJ Best Practice accredited by Royal College of GPs

BMJ, one of the world’s leading healthcare knowledge providers, announced yesterday that its decision support tool BMJ Best Practice has been accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).

This means that RCGP members can now get greater value from BMJ Best Practice to support their professional learning and development needs, says BMJ.

BMJ Best Practice now also features a continuing professional development (CPD) tracking, reporting and accreditation tool, allowing GPs to earn CPD credits while they use BMJ Best Practice as part of their working day.

The RCGP Accreditation Quality Mark is an identifiable symbol of quality assurance that associates educational activities with the professionalism, expertise and commitment to the highest possible standards of general practice.

GPs can therefore be confident that BMJ Best Practice has been independently assessed to ensure a consistent and high quality resource, reducing their risk, as well as saving time and cost, say the publishers.

The Assessor panel were of the view that BMJ Best Practice is an excellent evidence based online clinical decision support system, which reflects up to date clinical practice. They praised the structuring of the clinical topics and the patient information leaflets, which they said were “informative and easy to follow.”

BMJ Best Practice gives GPs fast and easy access to the latest information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Matthew Harker, Director, Evidence Centre at BMJ said: “We are delighted that the College has chosen to endorse BMJ Best Practice to its members. Using BMJ Best Practice will not only help GPs to deliver the highest standards of care for their patients, it will enable them to fit learning effortlessly into their working day in preparation for appraisal and revalidation.”