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BMJ expands its services in Brazil

BMJ, one of the world’s leading healthcare knowledge providers, announced yesterday that healthcare professionals in Paraná State, Brazil, will be able to access BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning in both English and Portuguese.

From January 2017, the two-year partnership will support 50,000 healthcare professionals working at 3,000 hospitals and other institutions across Paraná State to improve their knowledge and skills and deliver the very best care to their patients, says BMJ.

BMJ Best Practice is an online decision support tool that gives doctors fast and easy access to the latest information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions. Updated daily, it draws on the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.

BMJ Learning is an online learning resource that offers healthcare professionals a fast and efficient way to test their knowledge and keep up to date with the latest developments in medicine. It features over 1,000 evidence-based, peer-reviewed learning modules across 70 specialty areas.

Access to BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning will be via the website or mobile app. Training videos and tutorials will also be available to help staff make the most of the tools and to support their ongoing learning and development needs.

Governor of Parana, Beto Richa said: “The purpose is to improve the qualification of our health professionals in a faster and diversified way. Thereby, it will impact the quality of service provided to the population of Paraná.”

Parana State Health Secretary, Michele Caputo said: “It will be an important tool to support our team. The health professionals can improve their diagnostics and confirm the best treatment option for the patients in a wide scientific database.”

Patrick Spencer, Chief Operating Officer at BMJ said: “BMJ Best Practice and BMJ Learning already serve many clinical communities around the globe, helping doctors to improve their knowledge and make better treatment decisions in partnership with patients.”

He added: “We are delighted to be announcing this partnership with Paraná State today and we look forward to supporting healthcare professionals and driving the development of high quality, patient-focused care throughout the region.”