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BMJ partners with Chinese Medical Association

BMJ and the Chinese Medical Association (CMA) today announce the launch of a fully translated Chinese edition of BMJ Best Practice, the online decision support tool designed to help clinicians find the best medical information and use it in the most effective way.

The partnership reflects the CMA’s mission to improve clinical efficiency, enhance patient care, and support lifelong learning for the approximately 8.5 million health professionals across China.

BMJ Best Practice brings together the latest research evidence, expert opinion, and guidelines on over 10,000 different diagnoses. It provides quick, accurate, evidence-based answers to clinical questions – all built into existing workflows – to help clinicians make the best decisions for their patient every time, says BMJ.

The Chinese edition will be available both online and offline, and as a mobile app, giving busy clinical staff an immediate head-start on making diagnosis and treatment decisions.

In addition to the full translation of all BMJ Best Practice content, the Chinese edition will also contain the latest clinical guidelines and expert opinion from the CMA, providing access to both international standards and local clinical practice recommendations.

BMJ Best Practice is in regular use by clinicians in more than 60 countries and is already accredited by the Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangzhou Municipality in China, say the publishers.

Tim Brooks, CEO of BMJ said: “We are delighted to be partnering the CMA. Making BMJ Best Practice available in Chinese is a huge step for us towards our vision of helping to create a healthier world.”

Dr Yongmao JIANG, Director and Editor in Chief of the Chinese Medical Association Publishing House said: "We welcome this important advance in point-of-care decision support from BMJ. Doctors across China are keen to ensure that their work is linked as firmly as possible to the latest and most reliable evidence. BMJ Best Practice allows them to do this in an instant, making it easier for clinicians and patients to make informed decisions together.”