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Clock launch new brand sites for BizClik Media

Clock has partnered with BizClik Media to launch a collection of 18 websites for their growing portfolio of global brands and communities.

Clock launch new brand sites for BizClik Media
Glen White: “Our new industry websites provide the ultimate platform to complement our journalism.”

BizClik Media wanted an entire rebuild of its existing brand sites, powered by a singular multi-instance Content Management System, with a suite of new functionality and features.

The new sites host BMG’s digital magazines, which showcase news, features and profiles from the leading players in each industry.

The platforms are a significant departure from the previous websites, offering many improvements on both the front and back end, says Clock. Each homepage now displays a rolling news bar and a selection of new articles and features, enabling users to be able to easily stay up to date with all the latest industry news.

Users can also read interviews with key industry figures, peruse top tens and top 100s curated by magazine editors, watch exclusive video content, sign up to live events, as well as read BMG’s digital magazines.

Using Clock’s in-house FrontEnd expertise to bring the designs to life, a set of fully responsive digital platforms were created. An integral element of the brief was to also boost workflow efficiencies and enable editors to regularly update content and with ease; something that under the previous setup could be time-consuming. With the implementation of Clock’s comprehensive CMS offering a range of benefits to editors including scheduling and preview options to name a few, workflows have been much-improved, say the companies.

As part of the project, Clock’s software engineering experts undertook a sizeable content migration piece, allowing all existing content to be seamlessly transferred over to the new platforms. This resulted in a switchover and launch that carried minimal disruption or downtime.

BizClik Media CEO Glen White says: “As ever, BizClik Media Group continues to innovate in order to create the best digital experience for business professionals. Our new industry websites provide the ultimate platform to complement our journalism and establish BMG as the corporate storyteller for the world’s largest, most innovative and fastest growing companies. A real game changer.”

Chief Technology Officer Nathan Bursnell says: “After extensive research to find a platform that would facilitate our growth plans as a business, while also giving our readers the best experience possible, I'm very excited to launch a new set of brand websites.

Special thanks to the team, alongside our new partner Clock who were able to make it all a reality - here's to an exciting future!”

Clock’s Commercial Director, Jason Treloar, says, “It has been a pleasure to support BizClik with its ambitious goals. In implementing a technology platform that augments their workflows, improves user experience and makes publishing content easy, Clock has delivered a solution not just for one brand site, but 18! We look forward to supporting BizClik even further over the next 12 months as the new sites establish themselves.”

You can find out more about Clock in our Publishing Services Directory.

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