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Clock launches new membership platform for Broadsheet Media

Clock has partnered with Broadsheet Media, an Australian independent publisher, to launch Access, a new subscription membership program and platform.

Clock launches new membership platform for Broadsheet Media
Skye Rugless: “The launch of a paid membership program is a really exciting moment in Broadsheet’s history and sets the business up for further growth.”

Access offers members access to some of Australia’s best restaurants and cultural events, via exclusive first looks, experiences and offers.

Broadsheet required a partner to design and build the digital home for everything relating to its new Access membership.

Clock was approached to help build and deliver the new membership platform and with an ambition to launch to market ASAP, a rapid approach to development was adopted.

Using Clock’s in-house FrontEnd expertise to finely craft and interpret the high-level designs, a beautifully presented fully responsive digital platform was created; one that offers a simple yet seamless user experience, says Clock.

Members can redeem rewards with the in-built redemption mechanics as well as navigate from the main Broadsheet platform with ease, via integrated SSO. Furthermore, with the introduction of a city-picker, soon a user will be able to see content that is most relevant to their chosen location.

Harnessing the feature set of Clock’s CMS components and with a simple set of Phase 1 requirements, a working solution was created within weeks.

2022 will see the platform continue to evolve, with a roadmap of new features and functionality that will enhance the user experience and allow the site to become even more reflective of the Broadsheet brand and all it has to offer.

Broadsheet’s director of reader revenue, Skye Rugless, says: “We’ve spent the last six months cooking up something special for our audience. Access is full of curated experiences you won’t find elsewhere. The launch of a paid membership program is a really exciting moment in Broadsheet’s history and sets the business up for further growth. It allows us to drive engagement based on interest and create new revenue streams.”

Broadsheet founder and publisher, Nick Shelton, added: “Access is key to growing our brand and the value of Broadsheet as a business. It’s a really exciting next stage for us and we have a full team behind growing new revenue streams such as Access, so we’re excited to see how our readers respond to new ways of accessing and experiencing their city.”

Clock’s Commercial Director, Jason Treloar, says, “The opportunity to work with Broadsheet to help realise their membership program - was an exciting prospect. With Clock’s experience in this area, the team has managed to implement a high quality platform at high speed. We can’t wait to see the results and to continue to enhance the platform and program to help Broadsheet deliver on their strategic goals.”

You can find out more about Clock in our Publishing Services Directory.

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