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Coach magazine to close

Dennis Publishing is proposing to close the print edition of Coach Magazine, with the issue dated Wednesday 14th December being its last.

The brand will transition to an online-only model with, say the publishers. The website’s content will be repositioned to cater for both male and female readers, drawing on the expertise from the wider portfolio of fitness titles at Dennis Publishing.

James Tye, CEO Dennis Publishing, said: “In just 14 months, we have built a strong brand that has made an impact on the market and resonated with readers. 2016 has turned out to be a much tougher print advertising environment than expected for a new launch in the narrow health and fitness sector, which has made continuing to publish Coach in its current format, unsustainable. We will however continue to grow the Coach brand online and through its social media presence. I would like to thank our staff, advertisers, suppliers and readers for their support with the print magazine in the last year and look forward to developing the brand online.”

Dennis Publishing has entered into a two week consultation period with the affected staff.