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Ed Walker to leave Reach

Ed Walker, audience and content director (audience delivery), has decided to leave Reach after almost 14 years with the company.

Ed Walker to leave Reach
Ed Walker: "Thank you to everyone who has made my time at Reach such an incredible experience.”

Reach says Ed has been a key part of their senior editorial management team, at the forefront of the digital transformation in their newsrooms.

Ed has led several of Reach’s Live site launches, helmed their central editorial team, launched their Network content team (Tendendo) and created late newsdesk service Night Owl, supporting dozens of regional titles with evening publishing.

He joined the company in 2010 as part of WalesOnline’s digital team and has spent time in almost all of their newsrooms, covering the whole Reach portfolio.

Before taking up his current role, Ed was appointed InYourArea’s first editor-in-chief, leading the title to become one of the UK’s top 20 news websites and the third most-downloaded news app in 2020.

Most recently Ed has been working with Reach’s editorial teams on their US launches and also overseeing their video and podcasts strategy in an interim capacity. His last day will be Friday, 30th June.

Ed said: "Thank you to everyone who has made my time at Reach such an incredible experience. I have chosen to leave as it’s time for me to have a reset, both personally and professionally.

"I will always be thankful for the support, friendship, generosity and creativity my colleagues in all departments at Reach have shown over the years.

"I've been lucky to be able to work with dozens of newsrooms across the country throughout that time and learn from the best in the business about all the different types of journalism through good times and tough times.

"I wish everyone at Reach all the very best with the years to come and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes in the next chapter for me. I know I've had a first-class grounding in all things media, journalism and business to take with me from my time here."

Editorial director Live Network Paul Rowland said: “It says it all about Ed's contribution to what is now the Live Network that there's literally never been a regional digital operation at Reach that he hasn't been a central part of. Ed's fingerprints are across so much of what we do today, and the huge scale of the audiences that we reach today are in no small part due to his unwavering commitment, drive and passion for local and regional digital journalism. On a personal level, I've worked closely with Ed since he arrived in the Cardiff office to launch a new hyperlocal news operation for Cardiff and has been a constant and trusted support, sounding board and ally over the years since. He'll be greatly missed by many people at Reach."

Chief digital publisher David Higgerson said: “Ed’s contribution to our digital journey so far can’t be overstated. From leading our first digital-only brand in Reading through to spearheading In Your Area’s first growth acceleration, Ed has helped shape the digital journalism we do across the business in so many ways.

“Whatever he chooses to do next he will be hugely successful at and I’d like to place on record our thanks for the 13 years of innovation, determination and passion for journalism he has displayed.”

To listen to a previous InPublishing podcast with Ed, click here.

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