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Euromoney hosts Techsprint 2015

Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC ran its second hack event, TechSprint, last month in search for the next generation of top tech talent.

Held on the 23-24 October at the Google Campus in London, the event brought together 30 recent graduates from across a number of UK universities and put them into five teams with mentors from the business to compete, solve and build solutions to real business problems.

Each team researched, designed, coded and then presented a number of products including a replacement Intranet, a flat planning application and an ibeacon integrated delegate tool to a panel of judges just 24 hours after being set the challenges.

Euromoney feels that these events not only demonstrate its continued commitment to innovation and investment in technology but are an invaluable source of graduate recruitment. Consequently three or four of the graduates who competed in the event will be offered a position within the Technology function.

Ben Jones, Group CTO, Euromoney Institutional Investor plc, said, "Events such as these serve as a reminder as to why we got into Technology in the first place - working with great people and building innovative solutions to business problems."

Watch the TechSprint 2015 video here.