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Gardeners’ World’s innovative scented cover

Gardeners’ World Magazine’s June issue, on sale Friday 25 May, priced at £3.80 is using an innovative scented lavender cover to promote a garden aroma themed issue as part of its Springtime push for extra sales.

It is the first time a gardening title, or a BBC brand has used a scented cover in this way, says Immediate Media.

The production team used supplier Celloglas, well experienced in applying scent varnishes onto paper for promotional purposes. The cover is a spot varnished cover, with an area left clear for the scent to be applied. The reader is able to simply rub the middle of the cover to release the scent.

Additionally there is an A5 bound-in insert card, produced by a different supplier, Antidote, who supplied three other scents; tomato leaf, sweet violet and a mystery scent for the reader to guess, suiting the Gardeners’ World editorial story. The idea came from a brainstorm about original ways to promote the June issue.

According to Koli Pickersgill, group production manager: “The whole project was very time and quality critical but we are delighted with the overall production and final results. Lavender was one of the first choices but there were others tested which did not smell as good or as authentic. It was essential that the scent varnish could be reproduced consistently and effectively throughout the run.”

Spring time is of vital importance to Gardeners’ World Magazine and for the sector as a whole, recording 40% of annual business in the three peak months of the gardening season. According to the publishers, the gardening title has been outperforming the overall magazine market following a relaunch last year reporting a 2 per cent year on year uplift in the most recent ABCs [216,620 Jul-Dec 2011]. Advertisers in the June issue include John Deere, Nissan and Honda.

Dominic Murray, publishing director, said: “Underlying our recent success in print is our willingness to continue to invest in adding value for our audience – this innovative scented issue is a great example of this. Our annual Spring campaign is always key to our success, the whole team has worked together on this and I’m delighted with the result.”

The Gardeners’ World magazine website recently became the first BBC brand to use Immediate Media Co’s innovative in-house web platform. This already powers a range of special interest sites, including, and Additionally this week sees the launch of Gardeners’ World’s second iPad app, 100 Greatest Plants, following the launch of its first iPad app, Gardeners’ World Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables in March.