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GQ and BFC announce return of the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund

Yesterday in Shanghai, The British Fashion Council (BFC) and British GQ announced that it will partner with Ruyi, and Inc for two years, as the two leading Chinese companies provide sponsorship to the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund.

GQ and BFC announce return of the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund

At a lunch hosted by Ambassadorial President David Beckham at The Middle House Shanghai, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Dylan Jones, BFC Chair of Menswear and Editor of British GQ, Caroline Rush, BFC Chief Executive, Xia Ding, President of JD Fashion at and Francis Srun, Executive President of Ruyi International Group that confirms funding, mentorship and additional opportunities to develop partnerships for the shortlisted designers into China.

Dylan Jones, BFC Menswear Chair and Editor of British GQ, commented: “We are delighted to re-instate the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund thanks to Inc. and Ruyi who have committed to two years of support for our brilliant emerging menswear designers. It is also fantastic to have the support of such a great ambassador in David Beckham who has already become a huge force within the BFC. The last British designer to win the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund was Craig Green, a talent and business that has gone from strength to strength.”

Francis Srun, Executive President of Ruyi International Group commented: “Ruyi is pleased to see our partnership with blossom into practical action with this move to help British designers expand into the Chinese market. Aside from a range of joint initiatives in offline retail and e-commerce, Ruyi’s extensive collection of global brands are already working closely with JD and we are confident that this network will give a strong boost to designers supported by the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund.”

Xia Ding, President of JD International Fashion said: “Our joint sponsorship of the BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund with Ruyi is a great example of how JD is working with partners both inside and out of China to build new links in the global fashion industry. The UK is now increasingly recognized by Chinese people as a global fashion centre and JD is proud to serve as the most convenient channel for British designers to reach China’s many discerning fashion consumers.”

David Beckham, BFC Ambassadorial President said: “Promoting the British Fashion industry in China is an important part of my new role with The British Fashion Council. It is great to be able to celebrate this new funding for emerging British menswear talent today. The menswear category is so energised at the moment and I can’t wait to see and meet the talent that will be involved – it’s very exciting.”

The BFC/GQ Designer Menswear Fund is the UK’s biggest menswear prize for emerging talent, says GQ. The prize was established in September 2013 following the success of the BFC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund providing one designer with a £150,000 grant to provide necessary infrastructure to take them to the next stage of their business and significant value in kind services as part of a bespoke, high level mentoring support programme over a twelve-month period.