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TLS celebrates 6000th edition

The Times Literary Supplement (TLS), the literary journal, celebrates its 6,000th edition on March 30, with a series of promotional activities.

TLS celebrates 6000th edition

To celebrate and promote the milestone moment, The TLS is embarking on a series of promotional activities:

* The TLS will be republishing its first edition from 1902. Enclosed in the weekly magazine (out this Friday, 30 March), the 1902 reprint features reviews and essays spanning literature, science, drama and music, providing a fascinating insight into the cultural scene that year.

* The TLS is giving away 6,000 copies of its 6,000th edition, with magazines being distributed at four leading cultural London landmarks: Science Museum, Natural History Museum, National Gallery and Tate Modern.

* For the first time in its 116-year history, The TLS will be offering a lifetime subscription for £1,902. The subscription will be offered alongside promotional giveaways including The TLS’ Shakespeare and Jane Austen bookazines comprising specially commissioned articles.

* Finally, The TLS will be offering annual subscriptions complete with specially designed, limited edition mugs, created in the same celebratory style as the TLS front cover.

Editor Stig Abell said: “In 1902, people were talking about free trade, socialism, European relations and the Irish question. And the TLS was publishing pieces about everything from Chinese novels to Indian politics to advances in science. Some things have changed a bit, though: our first ever edition was 8-pages long; the 6000th - our biggest ever - is 60 pages. We are still proud to be publishing the best and brightest writers about the broadest range of books and ideas. And we believe that the audience to read it is larger, and hungrier for information, than at any point in the last 116 years.”

Currently the UK’s fastest-growing weekly magazine, say the publishers, experiencing 20 per cent YOY growth, its growing number of readers – and increased revenues – reveal that there is still plenty of appetite for audiences craving well-curated, long-read journalism.