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Jeremy Duckworth to leave Haymarket

After 10 years as Haymarket Media Group’s Group Finance Director, Jeremy Duckworth has decided to leave the company to pursue his career elsewhere.

Jeremy Duckworth said: “When I joined Haymarket in February 2005, the media world was a very different place and we were still very much a print-based company. The last decade has changed so much of what we do - and how we do it. I am proud to have played a part in Haymarket’s transition from a traditional print publishing business to the best specialist media and information company in its chosen markets.

We now have a far more stable, focussed and sustainable business and portfolio of brands, driven by the Group Growth Plan.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 10 years at Haymarket, working with a huge number of very talented people and I have built some long-lasting friendships.”

Chairman, Michael Heseltine said: “Jeremy had big shoes to fill with the retirement of David Fraser in 2005 but he has done it both with grace and a sense of real purpose.”

Executive Chairman, Rupert Heseltine added: “In recent years Jeremy has led the Group’s property strategy, from when we had nine office properties to our position today where we have one - and as a consequence, has helped dramatically transform the financial complexion of the company.”

Chief Executive, Kevin Costello said: “Jeremy has been an integral part of the executive management team, playing an instrumental role in supporting me in driving through our strategic development plan. He leaves with every good wish for his future career and deep gratitude from us all.”

Jeremy will stay on for a period up to 30 June 2015 to allow for the smooth transition to his successor. An announcement regarding Haymarket’s new Group Finance Director will follow in due course.