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Karl Marsden steps down from Shortlist Media COO role

Karl Marsden was one of the original team of senior executives who launched Shortlist Media in 2007.

As first Managing Director and then, latterly, Chief Operating Officer, Karl was a key member of the company.

Shortlist Media CEO Mike Soutar says: "It has been a great pleasure to work with Karl over the last nine years and his contribution over that time has been epic. We couldn't have built this business without him. His commercial skills are second to none, but he has also repeatedly built multi-disciplined high performance teams. Karl has identified, recruited and nurtured many of the stars in the company across the brand, digital and technical teams and he leaves a fine legacy. He departs with our thanks for all of his hard work and we wish him every success in his future career."

Karl Marsden comments: “Epic indeed. The question has to be, who would launch an independent 'Free Media' company into the teeth of the fiercest recession in living memory? Well we did and 2007 seems like yesterday on one hand, and a lifetime ago on the other. What a blast. There has been sweat and there have been tears, a good deal of them from laughing until my sides ached! It's the latter memories of good times and challenges overcome that will linger. As always at moments like this it is the people you have worked with that are foremost in your mind. Investors, colleagues and particularly our customers, you made it all possible and you made it into a journey I will always hold dear. I've had an incredible time, so thank-you and heart-felt best wishes as you take the business on into 2016 and beyond.”

Karl leaves with immediate effect.