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Keith Harrison to leave the MNA after 25 years

After 25 years with the Midland News Association, the last five as Editor of the Express & Star, Keith Harrison is to leave the organisation.

Keith Harrison to leave the MNA after 25 years

In a statement, Keith said: “It is with great sadness that I am to leave the MNA after 25 years with the company.”

“Since joining as a Senior Reporter in 1993, I have seen many changes and, after spending almost half my life in Queen Street, I feel it is now time for a new challenge.”

“It has been a privilege to serve the company in numerous roles, particularly in 2011 when I had the honour of editing the Shropshire Star, and since 2013 as Editor of the Express & Star.”

“In that time, it has been great to see our efforts as a team rewarded with various awards for our campaigning, our website and the overall quality of our work.”

“It has been fantastic to work with so many talented journalists down the years and to have learned from some of the best in the industry.”

“I would like to thank my colleagues past and present for their help and pay particular tribute to the Graham family for their unstinting support.”

“The Express & Star is a special title in a special part of the country. It will always have a huge place in my heart and I wish it every success in the future.”

“It has been an honour and a privilege to be part of this fantastic organisation and I’ve loved every minute.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

Print managing director Graeme Clifford said: “On behalf of the MNA, I would like to thank Keith for his contribution during one of the most challenging periods in the history of our industry.”

“Amid significant upheaval for regional news publishing, Keith has proved to be first a formidable journalist and then a highly capable editor.”

“Keith has led the editorial team with great energy and leadership, building upon the MNA’s heritage for first rate local news coverage.”

A decision on his successor will be announced in due course.