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NUJ responds to Oldham Evening Chronicle closure

The Oldham Evening Chronicle was launched in 1854 and last week announced its closure, after the publisher entered into administration.

As reported by the National Union of Journalists on 1 September: All staff were emailed yesterday and told to attend a meeting but not informed what it was about.

Staff have now been made redundant and are going into the office today to pick up their personal belongings.

Chris Morley, NUJ Northern and Midlands organiser, said: "This dreadful news came as a bolt from the blue to our members and they were given no inkling about what they would be told when summoned to a meeting.

"There are big questions as to how a significant daily newspaper can be allowed to go under in this way and leave so many staff without a livelihood.

"It is also surprising that such a respected title as the Chronicle would not be of interest to other companies that we know have money available and have talked about consolidation in the industry.

"I would invite potential buyers to step in quickly to preserve the key assets of the paper - namely its crucial journalistic talent with the experience of serving the people of Oldham with distinction for so many years.

"The union will be assessing how best we can help our members who have been clinically dismissed with no notice or consultation.

"We shall be seeking urgent discussions with the administrators to find out what efforts are being made to save the title and provide the best outcome for our members."