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Oneshot: Mirror Collection – Our War

Mirror Collection – Our War, a new oneshot from Mirrorpix, commemorating the war on the home front during the second world war, goes on sale 16 November, priced £5.99.

According to distributors COMAG Specialist: The latest special from the Mirror Collection commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII looks at what life was like for those who did not go off to fight in the war.

Whether it was rationing, air raids, evacuations or just worry for loved ones overseas, life for those in Britain who did not actively fight continued, but was markedly different than before.

From school children who were evacuated to the countryside and ‘Land Girls’ who worked on farms, to members of the Home Guard (the so-called ‘Dad’s Army’) and women who worked in munitions factories and took jobs previously unheard of for their gender, the millions of people who were left behind at home also played their part in the war.

With images and features taken from the archives of the Mirror newspaper, 84-page Mirror Collection – Our War will explore some of the personal accounts that tell of life, love, humour and courage on Britain’s Home Front during the Second World War.

Covering babies, bombs and making the best of it, Mirror Collection – Our War will have fabulous photographs and amazing images, many of which are previously unseen, that capture the heart of the nation as they fought their own battles on the Home Front.

Celebrating Brits through the blitz, Mirror Collection – Our War will provide a snapshot into the lives of millions of people across the UK who kept calm and carried on.

Sure to be a must-have for anyone interested in the Second World War, Mirror Collection – Our War will also appeal to enthusiasts of military and social history.