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Taylor & Francis Online re-launches

Taylor & Francis Online, home to over 2,400 online journals across Science, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, has relaunched with a brand new design, a clean, uncluttered interface and an improved user experience.

The redesign, says Taylor & Francis, is built on extensive feedback and analytics data, putting the needs of key users at the heart of every design decision.

According to the publishers, major benefits of the redesign include:

* New page layouts put academic content at the centre. Articles are more clearly highlighted, with figures and accompanying data organised into easily accessible tabs, access options and article metrics visible at a glance and quick access to the PDF

* Information where and when you need it: Menus and links to key related information will move with you as you scroll

* Take your research with you: The entire site is now fully responsive to any device so wherever you are, whether you’re on your laptop, tablet or mobile the screen will adapt to fit that size

* Flexible search options: You can now search within the relevant subject area and then refine your results using a ‘faceted’ search, displayed in a sidebar menu that moves with you as you scroll

* Easy manuscript submission, clear information and instructions designed to meet the needs of anyone looking to publish their research

* Improved video display provides more impact for journals with video abstracts or video content.

Chief Technology Officer Max Gabriel said: “This relaunch is an important step in the evolution of Taylor & Francis Online and part of our ongoing programme of investment in technology and tools that help our academic customers, and the scholarly community at large to work more easily and effectively. We have worked with our partner Atypon to apply the latest platform functionality and create a modern journals platform that is flexible and adaptable for the future.”

Ian Bannerman, Managing Director of Taylor & Francis Journals added: “Finding and accessing online research is a key element of the scholarly communication process, and as publishers we need to make it as simple and intuitive as possible. This investment in technology will help readers to explore the depth and breadth of our journal content on any device.”