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Telegraph launches Digital Leaders Conference

Telegraph Business Events yesterday launched the Telegraph Digital Leaders Conference 2015 which will take place on the 24th June at 155 Bishopsgate London.

At the Telegraph Digital Leaders Conference, speakers with an outstanding track record in recreating their business model will provide detailed insights and case studies in to how successful organisations are revolutionising their internal structure, not only to compete with digital disruptors and new business models, but also to keep pace with market demands for innovative products and responsive channels of communication. Delegates will hear new ways that companies are driving their product innovation including data driven profiling and input from social media.

The conference sessions have been devised to generate vibrant and productive discussions that, says the Telegraph, are directly relevant to professionals leading businesses through this era of major change and development. Industry leaders, as well as members of the Telegraph editorial team, will facilitate the discussion between panellists, incorporating questions from attendees. The Gold Sponsor for the conference is Accenture.

Confirmed speakers include Andrew Griffith, CFO, BskyB; Jan Gooze-Zijl, CFO & COO, UKTV; Dr Steven Althaus, Global Director, Brand Management, BMW; Anthony Simon, Head of Digital, 10 Downing Street; James McClure, General Manager, UK & Ireland, Airbnb; Heather Smith, UK Marketing Director, Direct Aviva; Narry Singh, Digital Strategy Lead, Accenture, EALA; Angela Maurer, Head, Tesco Labs; Stephen O’Kelly, Marketing Director, Guinness Western Europe; Stéphane Alby, Managing Director, SABMiller Global Business Services; Darren Foulds, Managing Director, Mobile Banking and Pingit, Barclays; Kai Gait, Global Digital Director, Glaxo Smith Kline; and Tony Grout, Head of Agile Transformation, Skype.

Alex Foster, Divisional Director, Telegraph Events, said: “Following the success of our inaugural Middle East Congress earlier this year, I am thrilled to be adding the Telegraph Digital Leaders Conference to our roster. With such a wide range of knowledgeable speakers, this event will highlight real life scenarios in business and product innovation that will enable organisations to take their businesses forwards."

Narry Singh, Managing Director for Digital Strategy, Accenture, said: “At Accenture, we are seeing industry leaders reimagining their businesses for the digital era and beginning to thrive in this new world. The most forward thinking companies are in a position to shape entire markets, transforming the way we work and live. We welcome this opportunity to take part in the Telegraph’s Digital Leader’s conference, and look forward to sharing knowledge, ideas and thoughts about the new digital landscape with other business leaders.”