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Left Right Left magazine turns blue for RAF100

Left Right Left, the military memories supplement inside Armed Forces resettlement publication, Pathfinder International, has turned itself blue (or rather red, white and blue) for the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Royal Air Force.

Left Right Left magazine turns blue for RAF100

The 8-page supplement, which normally focuses on topics concerning all three of the armed services, has increased to 16 pages and features interviews with some of the RAF’s biggest personalities.

The list of interviewees includes, Colin McGregor (brother of actor, Ewan) on the McGregor brothers’ filming of the RAF at 100 for BBC One recently, John Nichol and John Peters, the Tornado aircrew shot down in the Gulf War in 1991 and actor, Brian Blessed, on his two-year stint with the RAF as part of his national service.

On his time, Blessed said: “When I was selected Leading Airman at my passing out parade, it was one of the proudest days of my life. The RAF gave me a lot of opportunities, they put me on drama courses, I learnt fencing and I was taught how to handle a sabre (a sword) and in fact learnt about all swords, which came in very handy when I got the role in the Three Musketeers in the 1960’s!”

Left Right Left editor, Mal Robinson added: “We normally feature a theme per issue and we could not miss out on the 100th anniversary of the RAF. Being a former Airman myself, it was something close to the heart and it was a hard task to cover 100 years of history and characters over 16 pages. Yet, I hope we have done the RAF and its proud history justice.”

Alongside the list of interviewees, author, Geoff Simpson recalls the Battle of Britain, former Air Vice Marshall Ray Lock CBE looks back at his service, whilst 3rd Viscount Hugh Trenchard, opens the supplement with an introduction about his grandfather – the 1st Viscount Hugh Trenchard and who is considered the “Father of the Royal Air Force” – being the service’s first Marshal of the Royal Air Force.

Left Right Left’s RAF100 issue is available digitally and in print for free from 10th April onwards.