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Tim Ross joins the New Statesman

Tim Ross is joining the New Statesman as Executive Editor, Politics in September.

Tim Ross joins the New Statesman
Tim Ross: “I can’t wait to get to work on our ambitious plans for expansion.”

With 20 years’ experience writing about British politics and current affairs, Ross has been running UK political coverage for Bloomberg since 2018. Before that he spent six years at the Telegraph and has also written two books on the 2015 and 2017 UK general elections.

“I am thrilled to be joining the New Statesman’s outstanding politics team at such an exciting time,” Ross said. “I can’t wait to get to work on our ambitious plans for expansion, to broaden our appeal, with agenda-setting, serious coverage of all strains of political thinking.”

In his new role, Ross will be working closely with Stephen Bush and Ailbhe Rea, leading the New Statesman’s plans to expand and internationalise its political coverage.

"I'm delighted Tim is joining us," Jason Cowley, New Statesman editor-in-chief, said. "He will bring experience and a keen news sense to the team and, together with Stephen, lead the ambitious expansion of our politics coverage across all platforms. This is a period of exciting growth for the New Statesman and more senior journalists will be joining us in the months ahead as we invest in our coverage of UK politics, international affairs, economics, the environment and data journalism.”

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