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Woman & Woman’s Own introduces new print monthly brand extension

Time Inc UK has announced the launch of a new monthly magazine: Fit & Well from the team behind weekly lifestyle brands Woman and Woman’s Own.

Bringing a fresh, inspirational approach to the wellbeing market, says Time Inc UK, Fit & Well is the health magazine for 35-plus women who want fast, effective information in bite-sized chunks to fit healthier living into their busy lives.

From complete exercise plans to surprising health tricks, every page of Fit & Well is designed to make you feel better, right now. The magazine also features a healthy recipe mini magazine, Eat Well.

According to the publishers, the fitness and wellbeing monthly offers engaging content combined with a distinctive social aspect utilising the massive social media traffic around fitness and healthy eating and the growing trend for exercise as a way to socialise as well as get fit.

Karen Livermore, Editor In Chief of Woman and Woman’s Own says: “We know how important healthy living is to our readers. It’s a key part of our existing weekly magazines and something they tell us they are passionate about. It’s also a passion they want to share with others whether that be posting healthy food on Instagram or joining their friends at their local Parkrun every week.”

Charlotte Richards, Editor of Fit & Well adds: “Fit & Well offers its readers a chance to get involved in ways other health titles don’t. From sharing their own healthy eating creations – both online and in print – to taking part in group fitness challenges, it is a wellbeing magazine for the Facebook and Twitter generation. This interaction with the reader is a key part of Fit & Well and the start of a vibrant new health and fitness community.”

Fit & Well is on sale from 24 December, priced at £1.99.