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Editorial/content creation

Multichannel content creation: 5 minutes with… Ross Paterson

Multichannel content creation: 5 minutes with… Ross Paterson

Publishing content to multiple channels is now the norm, but are publishers doing it effectively and efficiently? We grabbed five minutes with Ross Paterson, the new CEO at multichannel publishing specialists, WoodWing.

By Ross Paterson  |  15/08/2018

Evening Standard expands its football coverage

Evening Standard expands its football coverage

On the eve of the new Premier League football season, the Evening Standard last week announced a major investment in its online sports team.


gal-dem take over the new issue of Guardian Weekend

gal-dem take over the new issue of Guardian Weekend

The new issue of The Guardian Weekend, out 11 August, will be taken over by gal-dem, an online and magazine collective representing women and non-binary people of colour.


Stylist launches 'Under Her Eye'

Stylist launches 'Under Her Eye'

Stylist has partnered with actor Gemma Chan to launch Under Her Eye, a campaign aimed to shine a light on female film reviewers.


British Journalism Awards for Specialist Media 2018 – the shortlist

British Journalism Awards for Specialist Media 2018 – the shortlist

Press Gazette has announced the finalists for the first British Journalism Awards for Specialist Media.


Scottish Provincial Press signs contract for PCS Solutions

Scottish Provincial Press signs contract for PCS Solutions

PCS, a leading publishing software developer, yesterday announced that Scottish Provincial Press have signed a contract for Knowledge Prospect, Knowledge Publish and a light version of Knowledge Pulse.


Sunday Times announces raft of new appointments

Sunday Times announces raft of new appointments

The Sunday Times on Friday announced several new appointments across the paper.


Paul Dacre to deliver Society of Editors Lecture

Paul Dacre to deliver Society of Editors Lecture

Paul Dacre is to give the Society of Editors Annual Lecture to launch its 2018 Conference in Manchester in the autumn.


IPSO arbitration scheme launches

IPSO arbitration scheme launches

IPSO’s compulsory arbitration scheme launched yesterday.


Vogue announces first-ever podcast series

Vogue announces first-ever podcast series

British Vogue will launch its first-ever podcast series entitled Appearances, hosted by Academy Award-winner and contributing editor Steve McQueen.


The Telegraph launches Telegraph Family

The Telegraph launches Telegraph Family

The Telegraph on Friday announced the launch of a dedicated editorial section, Telegraph Family, offering features and opinion pieces that speak of the joys and challenges facing the modern family.


Ringier chooses SPRYLAB Purple DS

Ringier chooses SPRYLAB Purple DS

Ringier is now using the Purple DS platform for its digital editions of Blick, SonntagsBlick and Blick am Abend.


The Law & The Press

The Law & The Press

James Evelegh's editorial from this week's edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh  |  26/07/2018

Language lessons

Language lessons

The rush to be first and the demise of the sub-editor mean that grammatical errors are increasingly creeping into our copy. As Peter Sands points out, error-strewn text damages our credibility because readers do notice. Best to try to get it right fi

By Peter Sands  |  24/07/2018

Facing down Facebook: how the old media humbled the new

Facing down Facebook: how the old media humbled the new

In this age of algorithms, it’s heartening to see that there’s no substitute for intelligent and persistent journalistic endeavour. Some classic old-school digging from the likes of the Observer, Guardian and Times has exposed a dark underside to the

By Jon Slattery  |  24/07/2018

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