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Time & motion

Time & motion

Are your publishing systems fit for purpose? The only way to find out is to watch how your journalists use them.

By James Evelegh  |  13/02/2020

New Editor-in-Chief for BMJ Health & Care Informatics journal

New Editor-in-Chief for BMJ Health & Care Informatics journal

Professor Yu-Chuan (Jack) Li, a researcher of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and medical informatics, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Health & Care Informatics.


Vogue announces Editorial Changes

Vogue announces Editorial Changes

British Vogue has announced a number of changes to its editorial team.


Public being denied information, warns SoE

Public being denied information, warns SoE

The public is being denied information of legitimate public interest by government officials and public bodies that wish to determine what is reported and by whom, the Society of Editors has warned.


New roles for Gallagher, Newton and Poole at News UK

New roles for Gallagher, Newton and Poole at News UK

News UK this week announced new roles for Tony Gallagher, Victoria Newton and Keith Poole at The Times and The Sun.


SoE condemns No 10’s actions to bar journalists

SoE condemns No 10’s actions to bar journalists

The Society of Editors has condemned Downing Street’s decision to bar journalists from an ‘inner lobby’ briefing on Monday.


HuffPost appoints Jess Brammar

HuffPost appoints Jess Brammar

HuffPost has announced the appointment of Jess Brammar as editor-in-chief of HuffPost UK to oversee the team of editors and staff writers in London and beyond.


Would you allow interviewees to check your copy – ever?

Would you allow interviewees to check your copy – ever?

Ethically and practically, it’s not a good idea, although in some markets, it’s getting harder to say ‘no’, writes Dickon Ross.

By Dickon Ross  |  03/02/2020

Is Fleet Street in climate-change denial?

Is Fleet Street in climate-change denial?

Despite climate-change being the number one issue for under-30s, newspapers’ coverage of the issue is patchy at best and some prominent columnists have taken particular umbrage at the activism of a teenager from Sweden.

By Liz Gerard  |  03/02/2020

Newspapers: time to fight back

Newspapers: time to fight back

Newspapers have a great story to tell, but need to do a much better job of telling it. That was one of the key messages at November’s Society of Editors conference. Ray Snoddy was there…

By Ray Snoddy  |  03/02/2020

Catch them young

Catch them young

Attracting younger readers is a perennial challenge for newspapers, but concerns over fake news and the financial pressures facing young people are presenting new opportunities, which the Financial Times is capitalising on.

By Ciar Byrne  |  03/02/2020

Handle with Care

Handle with Care

Using social media for sourcing and researching stories has become an essential weapon in the journalist’s armoury. Peter Sands talks to national newspaper journalists about how they use social media … and the perils that they face.

By Peter Sands  |  03/02/2020

Publishing on Instagram: Dos & Don’ts

Publishing on Instagram: Dos & Don’ts

Some publishers put almost as much effort into publishing on sites such as Instagram as they do their own platforms. But with changing user habits, not to mention algorithms, it’s no easy task. Lauren Smith has some advice…

By Lauren Smith  |  03/02/2020

SoE worried about Downing Street’s latest bypass of media

SoE worried about Downing Street’s latest bypass of media

The Society of Editors has raised concerns after No 10 Downing Street decided to bypass mainstream media broadcasters for the Prime Minister’s address on the eve of Brexit.


HuffPost UK launches ‘Head in the Game’

HuffPost UK launches ‘Head in the Game’

This week, HuffPost UK launches a series looking at issues of mental health in the sporting arena.


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