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Media Pioneer Awards 2013: Big Data Republic

Media Pioneer Awards 2013: Big Data Republic

Carolyn Morgan applauds the latest addition to the 2013 Media Pioneer Awards shortlist – Big Data Republic; the successful launch of a B2B specialist community into a global growth sector.

By Carolyn Morgan  |  12/04/2013

What did Maggie Thatcher ever do for us?

What did Maggie Thatcher ever do for us?

Baroness Thatcher’s death on Monday has lead to wall-to-wall coverage of her life and legacy, and this will no doubt continue through the weekend and up to her funeral at St Paul’s on Wednesday. Jon Slattery looks at her impact on the media world.

By Jon Slattery  |  12/04/2013

Media Pioneer Awards 2013: Songlines

Media Pioneer Awards 2013: Songlines

Songlines, the world music magazine, has been growing its flagship Songlines Music Awards, building new media partnerships and launching on tablet, writes Carolyn Morgan.

By Carolyn Morgan  |  05/04/2013

Media Pioneer Awards 2013: British Journal of Photography

Media Pioneer Awards 2013: British Journal of Photography

The British Journal of Photography (BJP) has grown its readership worldwide twenty-five fold since launching its iPad app. App subscribers now surpass print subscribers by over 70%, and the app is frequently highlighted as "New & noteworthy" in Apple

By Carolyn Morgan  |  22/03/2013

The Royal Charter and the Press

The Royal Charter and the Press

According to Jon Slattery, you’ve got to be worried when politicians look so pleased with themselves. Jon looks back on a tumultuous week for the press.

By Jon Slattery  |  22/03/2013

The New Business Model for Specialist Publishing: an Expert View

The New Business Model for Specialist Publishing: an Expert View

As specialist publishing becomes more and more about reaching an audience across digital, live, social and print channels, so niche consumer and B2B publishers must rethink where their revenue comes from and how they grow their business. Carolyn Morg

By Carolyn Morgan  |  18/03/2013

A digital media road-map for publishers

A digital media road-map for publishers

Most media conferences these days tend to focus on describing the problems facing publishers and media businesses, rather than actually providing ideas on how their leaders can deal with it all. The Digital Media Strategies summit, organised by the M

By Carolyn Morgan  |  18/03/2013

Hopes and fears in local land

Hopes and fears in local land

Former regional editor Neil Fowler has long argued that only radical action can offer any hope of a future for the regional and local newspaper industry across the United Kingdom. David Montgomery’s Local World may be the first business to move in su

By Neil Fowler  |  18/03/2013

Why have the women’s weeklies become ladies of easy virtue?

Why have the women’s weeklies become ladies of easy virtue?

The women’s weeklies market is suffering. Titles that once sold in their millions are now reduced to shadows of their former circulation glory. How has it come to this, asks Peter Jackson, and can anything be done to arrest the decline?

By Peter Jackson  |  18/03/2013

Circle of Trust

Circle of Trust

Publishers are closing down or selling off marginal magazines as part of the continuing cost cutting drive. Are we risking throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Ross Sturley thinks we might be.

By Ross Sturley  |  18/03/2013

‘Transformation’ On The March (Or, The Urge to Purge)

‘Transformation’ On The March (Or, The Urge to Purge)

Stunning as Time Warner’s spinoff of Time Inc is, it’s inadvisable to hold your breath waiting for print to disappear, writes Karlene Lukovitz.

By Karlene Lukovitz  |  18/03/2013

Jim Muttram - interview

Jim Muttram - interview

RBI’s data services division has grown exponentially in the past six years, and now accounts for almost half the company’s total revenues. Meg Carter talks to MD Jim Muttram about the past, present and future of data services.

By Meg Carter  |  18/03/2013

Off The Page – David Hepworth on magazines and beyond

Off The Page – David Hepworth on magazines and beyond

David Hepworth's regular column, in the March / April 2013 issue of InPublishing magazine.

By David Hepworth  |  18/03/2013

The Autosport Paywall Journey

The Autosport Paywall Journey

Publishers have wrestled with the challenge of how to monetise their websites since the very inception of the world wide web. Most have experimented with ad funded models, paywalls or a mix of the two. Over the years, Autosport has tried almost every

By Rob Aherne  |  18/03/2013

Andrew Mullins - interview

Andrew Mullins - interview

The Independent and the Standard have had a tumultuous few years. Between them, and not necessarily in this order, they’ve faced new Russian owners, shared back office functions with DMGT, been sold for £1, switched to free, launched a compact sister

By Ray Snoddy  |  18/03/2013

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