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New Editor-in-Chief for BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning

Professor Debra Nestel has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (BMJ STEL).

New Editor-in-Chief for BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning
Professor Nestel: “Simulation and technology-enhanced learning for health and social care is advancing rapidly.”

Professor Nestel will take up her post in October, succeeding Professor Nick Sevdalis, who has been Editor-in-Chief since 2014.

BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (BMJ STEL) is the official journal of ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare). It publishes content on the use of simulation and innovative technology in education, training and professional development.

Professor Nestel is Professor of Simulation Education in Healthcare at Monash University, and Professor of Surgical Education at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Nestel is the founding and current Editor-in-Chief of the BMC journal Advances in Simulation and has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in health professions education, and edited books on simulated patient methodology, healthcare simulation, healthcare simulation research and surgical education.

She leads a national programme for simulation educators – NHET-Sim – and a virtual network in simulated patient methodology.

Professor Nestel said: “Simulation and technology-enhanced learning for health and social care is advancing rapidly and as the new Editor-in-Chief of BMJ STEL, I'm excited to be in a position to facilitate the sharing of these advances. While I hold a very broad definition of simulation and its applications, I always return to the ultimate foci of our practices - the highest quality care for patients/clients and those around them and of the highest quality educational experiences of the practitioners providing that care."

Responding to the appointment, Dr Makani Purva, ASPiH president, said: “It gives me immense pleasure to welcome Professor Nestel to her new role. ASPiH and simulation educators will benefit enormously from her immense knowledge and expertise in simulation education . I believe that the journal is entering an important phase in its history and under her leadership, the journal will grow and have a significant impact on simulation and technology enhanced learning for the current and future generation of simulation educators and learners.”