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Shortlist Media relaunches corporate site

Shortlist Media yesterday unveiled its redesigned corporate website.

Shortlist Media relaunches corporate site

The new website was built and designed by its in-house tech team, made up of 40% female coders, which is 2.4 x the industry average, says the company. Companies are 15% more likely to perform better if they are gender diverse, and Shortlist Media says it’s proud to have a team that is above industry average.

Women are currently underrepresented in ICT, with females making up a mere 17% of the tech workforce across the industry. Shortlist Media is starting in-house by magnifying the female coders behind the new website design, supporting the Stylist Visible Women campaign, which was launched in January 2018. It aims to raise the awareness and profiles of women, past and present, who have made a difference to the world, with a view to empower and inspire the Stylist audience.

Vivien Ilett, UX/UI Designer, Shortlist Media, said: “The site-redesign is both a showcase of what we can build on our in-house-built framework and a playground where we can push the limits in this space. In keeping with the rest of our new branding, the website is clean, modern and embodies the spirit of Shortlist Media.”

Links: Shortlist’s new website, The women in the in-house tech team