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Haymarket Network play key role in IAAF World Championships

Haymarket Network is playing a key role behind the scenes at the 2015 Beijing IAAF World Championships this week.

Network designed, built and are supporting both and the Beijing World Championship site. A year ago, Network’s track and field website SPIKES, in partnership with the IAAF, launched a Chinese language platform in preparation for the World Championships. The web page is supported by a host of Chinese social media platforms such as Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo and WeChat.

The team are also running a daily Adidas campaign to vote for the performance of the day. The vote is being run across all the 4,000 screens across the stadium and on Chinese social media channels. Network are also responsible for providing live data results to the LOC (local organising committee).

A team from Network are currently out in Beijing, working on everything from project management, digital development and editorial coverage. Back in Teddington, a team are providing editorial and digital support - and trying to stay on top of the eight hour time difference!

As one of the only Chinese-language athletics coverage sites, and with the support of the sport's world governing body, the platforms Network has built are key to inspiring China's new generation of athletics fans, say the publishers. Ahead of the championships, the Mayor of Beijing, Wang Anshun, explained how he is ‘excited about creating a new respect and affection for athletics among the people of China’.