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Nikon Pro celebrates 20th Anniversary

Nikon Pro, the professional photography magazine, turns 20 this week.

For this 20th Anniversary issue, the magazine which is produced by Cedar, features an interview with celebrated wildlife photographer David Yarrow, whose book of images 'Encounter' was voted the most outstandingly produced book at the Spear's Book Awards.

David’s most striking wildlife images have been taken using some ingenious and slightly bizarre methods to attract the animals, such as using various smells - for Lioness it was the fragrance Old Spice as trial and error shows they’re partial to it and other biological matter to draw them close to the camera to take intimate images of some of the world’s most beautiful animals.

Hayato Kamijo, Vice President, Nikon Holdings Europe B.V, said, “In 1995, much was changing in Europe. We had entered a new era of unification with the Schengen agreement. As borders and trading were relaxed, Nikon could re-evaluate the way the different countries communicated with their NPS members. So Nikon Pro was born, and I’m very proud to have been an instrumental part of its creation.

It’s difficult to conceive these days, but moving images around the world then was a major operation. Digital imaging was in its infancy with film scanners a standard piece of kit for professionals. There was no e-mail newsletter or internet platform, so our mission was to create a publication that combined news about Nikon’s equipment, backed up with real world stories from members in the field. At first only a few thousand copies were printed, but over time that rose to over 50,000 in five languages. The entire team should be very proud of what they have achieved over the last 20 years.”

Takami Tsuchida, President of Nikon Europe, said “Nikon Pro has become a very important marketing tool for Nikon. Many of its contributors over the last 20 years have gone on to become top professionals in their field and the magazine has become a trusted voice for photographers.

Despite the huge industry challenges over the past few years, Nikon’s commitment to professionals is as strong as ever, and Nikon Pro is part of that commitment. We’ve listened to our customers so we know that the magazine is an important part of their NPS membership. Our goal is to make Nikon Pro available to as many customers as possible, which is why we are continuing to publish in print and in digital tablet form and will evolve for new digital platforms in the future.

With the 100th anniversary of Nikon approaching in 2017, there’ll be plenty more to celebrate in the future, but for now – congratulations to the Nikon Pro team and here’s to the next 20 years.”