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Johnston Press: Requisition of General Meeting

Johnston Press yesterday announced that it has received a letter from Custos Group AS, a shareholder holding in excess of 5% of the paid up capital of the Company, requisitioning a general meeting of the Company's shareholders.

Johnston Press: Requisition of General Meeting

The announcement from Johnston Press reads as follows: The Requisition proposes resolutions that Camilla Rhodes and Michael Butterworth be removed as directors of the Company, and that Alexander Salmond and Steve Auckland be appointed as non-executive directors of the Company. The Requisition also proposes that any person appointed as a director of the Company since November 6, 2017 (being the date of the Requisition) be removed as a director of the Company.

The Johnston Press Board is consulting with its advisers and will update its shareholders with regard to the timing of the General Meeting in due course.

Shareholders are advised to take no action at this time. Further announcements will be made as appropriate.