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Trinity Mirror: Appointment of Non Executive Director & Chairman Designate

Trinity Mirror has announced that Nick Prettejohn is to join the Board of Directors of the Company as non-executive director and Chairman Designate with effect from 2 February 2018.

Trinity Mirror: Appointment of Non Executive Director & Chairman Designate

Nick will also serve on the Remuneration and Nomination Committees with effect from his appointment as a non-executive director.

It is anticipated that Nick will become Chairman on 3 May 2018, at the end of the Company’s next Annual General Meeting, and will also take on the role of Nomination Committee chair from that date. David Grigson, who joined the Board in January 2012, will retire as a director and as Chairman on the same date.

The Nomination Committee, led by the Senior Independent Director Helen Stevenson and assisted by Egon Zehnder International, oversaw the search before making a unanimous recommendation to the Board.

David Grigson commented: “I am absolutely delighted that Trinity Mirror has been able to attract someone of Nick’s calibre to be its next Chairman. I will depart in May knowing that the Board and the Company are in good hands.”

On his appointment, Nick commented: “Trinity Mirror has a powerful portfolio of news brands, a heritage of strong journalism and information provision, and a major and growing digital presence. I'm looking forward to working with the management team and Board to realise further the potential of those assets.”

Nick is currently Chairman of Scottish Widows, and has been a Non Executive Director on the Lloyds Banking Group plc board since June 2014. Nick is also Chairman of the Royal Northern College of Music, and a member of the Board of Opera Ventures.

Until recently, Nick was a member of the BBC Trust, Chairman of the Financial Advice Working Group, and Chairman of the Britten-Pears Foundation. His prior appointments include Non Executive Director of the Prudential Regulation Authority (2013 – 2014), Chairman of Brit Insurance (2011 – 2013) and a Non-Executive Director of Legal and General Plc (2010 – 2013). From 2006 to 2009 he was Chief Executive of Prudential UK & Europe, and he is a former Chief Executive of Lloyd's of London and a member of the Lloyd's Council.